Re: Using SUMIFs on Calculated columns does not "add" up?
Try this =SUMIFS(Amount:Amount, vendor:vendor, "Alpha", Year:Year, ="2022") Your year formula turns 2022 from a number to a Text with "". So by using the ="2022&quo…1 · -
Re: Multiple cells locked to single formula in same column
Looks like you may want the "Column formula" option. Here is a link to the How to article https://help.smartsheet.com/articles/2481944-set-formulas-for-all-rows-with-column-formulas1 · -
Re: Using an IF statement to check a flag.
If you want the flag to show up in the status if it is Not started, then you will want to have "Not Started" in your formula, =IF(AND([start date]@row < TODAY(), Status@row = "Not S…1 · -
Re: How to combine IF, TODAY, OR, ISBLANK functions?
Give this a try =IF(ISBLANK([Completion Date]@row), "🔴 Not Certified", IF(TODAY() < [SH Next Training Due Date]@row, "🟢 Certified", "🔴 Expired"))1 · -
Re: Why am I get an error when I added IFERROR to formula:
Let the IFERROR surround your whole formula. Try =IFERROR(YEAR([Current Charleys GO]@row) - YEAR([Walmart Revised GO date from 7/8]@row) * 12 + MONTH([Current Charleys GO]@row) - MONTH([Walmart Revis…1 ·